G'day mate, I'm born and bred Aussie but I just love travelling the old globe. I'm currently backpacking around the world on my 4th big crazy adventure and am updating this blog as I go. Come join me on my travels and have a laugh at the same time. After this trip I will be writing a travel book of all my adventures so keep your eyes out for it!!!! Cheers mate!

Thursday, January 17, 2008


G'day all,

Well there is ONE MONTH to go until the adventure of a lifetime begins. I have booked flights to Dubai in the Middle East for Feb 14th where I will begin my travels for the next 7 months around the world. This blog will be updated at least twice a week and will include pictures and videos each time and plenty of laughs. Add www.paulwood.blogspot.com to your favourites and spread the word to your friends and families and we can share the adventures with everyone. ...Update ya all in Feb :)


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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pauly Gday Mate, Happy Australia Day. We be lookn forward to readin ya adventures.. R U Going to watch tha crows in Dubai?. Helen has lost her mobile can you sms her as she misses your raunchy txt msgs, she still got the same number but lost yours... Danny Boy & tha Salmat Crew

January 29, 2008 4:18 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

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February 02, 2008 6:02 pm

Blogger Jonathan McKay said...

Dubai eh? That's practically my home town. How long you going to be there?

February 06, 2008 8:41 am

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are truly inspirational. It has always been my dream to travel the world, to explore, and to find places that are unfindable. How do you do it? You said you've been traveling for about 8 years, which is the age that I am at. Can you give me some tips?

February 12, 2008 5:01 am

Blogger Paul Wood said...

G'day Bryan cheers for that mate. This is my 4th working holiday trip in 8 years so I haven't been travelling for the whole time but yeah you could say I'm slightly addicted. After my first trip I just decided that while I'm young and have all my limbs I'm going to travel as much as I can until I actually know what to do for a career instead of just studying anything for the hell of it. As to how do I do it..well I've pretty much become and expert saver and budgeter over the years with a lot of hard work and not buying anything new or fancy. pretty much all my money goes into travel only. Keep up the reading mate the best bit is just about to start...Paul

February 12, 2008 5:09 am


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