G'day mate, I'm born and bred Aussie but I just love travelling the old globe. I'm currently backpacking around the world on my 4th big crazy adventure and am updating this blog as I go. Come join me on my travels and have a laugh at the same time. After this trip I will be writing a travel book of all my adventures so keep your eyes out for it!!!! Cheers mate!

Saturday, April 22, 2006

A day in Toronto

G'day all,
Today I thought I'll tell you about my typical day living and working in Toronto. At the moment I'm working for a company called Computershare doing laser printing. For the past few weeks I've been working 2pm until 10pm and it's pretty much exactly like working for Salmat back home. It's been warming up here lately and yesterday it got up to 24 so we could be up for a hot summer hopefully. The weather changes so fast here it can be 5 on day and 25 the next. I still haven't totally settled into life here yet and I'm still to buy some cooking gear and to a big shop for groceries. Everyday I've been living of subway and $2 microwave meals which I've been eating with my plastic knife and fork that I've kept for a month now and it at the end of it's life. I live about 45 mins travel from the heart of Toronto (or TO as the locals call it) and I'm not to far from the last subway stop called Finch. On the weekends I've been hanging out downtown with my only real friends here so far Gwen and Andreas who are from Singapore and Switzerland. I take 2 busses to get to work everyday and let me tell ya the transport system over here is so dodgy. I never know what time to get on the bus on day it will come at 1:18 the next day it will come at 1:35 so I just got to vibe it to work and hope I get there on time. I'm living in a share house at the moment with 3 other guys. They are good blokes apart from this boofhead who smokes weed all day and eats everyone's food. The two other guys are Ralph from Barbados who is 57 and Abdallah from Pakistan who is about 30. I've pretty much been living on the gonad as I have an unfurnished room but Ralph gave me a desk and chair the other day for my computer and also a TV which was really nice of him. I'm sleeping on a dodgy airbed I bought from the cheap shop and I'm just waiting for it to explode in the middle of the night and give me a heart attack. I don't know if any of you heard me but I called Bob Francis on 5AA the other night and talked to him for a good 10 mins just before the show ended. I don't really know why I rang him but I just did out of the blue. He yelled at the caller before me and my heart pounded because he sounded really angry but he was nice to me in the end which was really cool. The other cool thing is that I'm going to be playing footy as of tomorrow here for a brand new team called the Central Toronto Blues http://www.bluesafc.ca/. There a good 10 teams in the league and most wear AFL team uniforms so it should be a bit of fun. I also talked a guy from my work into playing for us. He had never even heard of Aussie Rules until today but as soon as he gets thumped into the ground and does his knee he'll know all about it. Anyway that all for now. The photos I've put into this entry are of my current life style

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Happy Easter

G'day ya bunch of pelicans,
Well it was a big easter weekend and I did lots and lots of walking around toronto. As my friends Gwen and Andreas and I all have metro passes we all buzzed around Toronto on any tram and got lost. We ended up finding this cool non-touristy China Town and walked through all these crazy shops and supermarkets with Chinese techno playing in the background. I ended up buying a fancy sugar-cane drink which wasn't too bad and is apparently good for you. On Saturday morning we went out to Toronto Island which was nice because we had great weather and there was awesome views of the city. On the way to the ferry I did something pretty Aussie. I was runnning down the exculator and did this massive launch off the last 5 steps and then all of a sudden it jerked and stopped working and the crowded exculator was full of people who had to walk down the rest like stairs. Later on the day we walked around all these groovy shops on Queen street and I ended up making myself a digeridoo out of pvc piping and a candle I melted down. By the end of the night Gwen from Singapore and Andreas from Switzerland could both play the didge. We went out Saturday night to this groovy pub and we find out that Dustin Hoffman was there. For the rest of the night I was walking around saying "Excuse me mate where did bloody Dusty go" until eventually the bouncer didn't let me up in the top room anymore. On Sunday we went back to our favourite hang out spot the "Kennsington Markets" where we just chilled out and drank coffee and listened to reggae music. There were so many characters walking around and it was full of Jamacian dreadlock dudes dancing and playing hakisak. So yeah it was a pretty bonza weekend, and I topped it off by watching my Crows win on my laptop, fan-bloody-tastic.

Update ya all in a few days,

Paul the Skip